Tuesday, April 21, 2009

4 Modes: Rhetorical Appeals

Project 3 Analysis

Image: http://www.healthhype.com/wp-content/plugins/healthy-breakfast.jpg


The image to the left is an example of a healthy breakfast and its also a play food kit. The breakfast kit is aimed for children probably between the ages of 2-8. The purpose of the play food set is to show healthy breakfast choices and to make children aware, in addition to education through a hands on experience. The fruit, yogurt, English muffin, pancake, and orange juice are foods and drink children might typically eat and enjoy for breakfast, most importantly they are health conscious options. The breakfast kit does not include donuts or sugary cereals so children aren't exposed to foods that taste good with no nutritional value. By actually playing with the foods this tool can be used to teach children what a good breakfast consists of, an effective education on breakfast in disguise.

Book: Green Eggs and Ham

Green Eggs and Ham by Doctor Seuss is a classic children's book which can actually be used to educate children about breakfast. The colorful illustrations of eggs and ham along with the text throughout the story make for a fun and easy teaching tool. The purpose of the book is to encourage people to try new things because they might actually like them. Over and over Sam I Am asks the Cat in the Hat to try his green eggs and ham but the cat refuses, an element of the story children and parents alike can relate to. A parallel can be drawn between a stubborn kid and a parent with the Cat in the Hat and Sam I Am. Green Eggs and Ham functions in showing children if they try a new food/meal there is a chance they might really like it. Therefore, Green Eggs and Ham could potentially be used to persuade a child to try eggs for breakfast or another choice a child won't eat. The Cat in the Hat is a likable character for children and they can compare themselves to what the cat experiences.

Song: "The Breakfast Song"

"The Breakfast Song" by Sicko is a short piece taking an interesting perspective on breakfast. The song can be enjoyed by audiences of all ages but the target seems to specifically be teenagers. The musicians behind "The Breakfast Song" create a comedic spin on breakfast discussing eggs and Captain Crunch cereal. Sicko promotes eating eggs because they contain a lot of protein and get you up and going in the morning. The lyrics are catchy and the song is appealing because breakfast is not usually talked about in songs. The catch phrase in the song is "a hearty breakfast can't be beat", which is an effective message for audiences. The song could be used to teach because of the comical lyrics and how they convey eating breakfast is fun and good for you at the same time. A positive message is also revealed through "The Breakfast Song" and shows kids breakfast is an enjoyable meal.

Film: Peewee Herman's Big Adventure

The film Peewee Herman's Big Adventure, specifically the scene with the egg contraption, visually displays one man's breakfast habits and his everyday routine. Peewee Herman's Adventure can be enjoyed by audiences of all ages but children would enjoy the movie the most. By using Peewee Herman kids will think he is funny and potentially view him as a role model, which is how the movie could be used as a teaching tool. In the movie Peewee uses his egg contraption every day to crack his eggs and the film elaborately shows Peewee performing his daily routine. Peewee realizes the importance of breakfast and kids can interpret this as Peewee having good judgment; therefore he is setting the example children should be eating breakfast too. The egg contraption makes eating breakfast look cool, an effective way to convince children of breakfast's value. By watching Peewee Herman's Big Adventure kids will see how breakfast should be eaten to start the day and how it can be amusing as well.

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